all about the words

So, a few months back I got into this website called NerdFitness. It eventually lead me to the Blog of Impossible Things, which I got daily in my inbox. Awesome stuff, I thought. I created my own Impossible list, and I think item 20 or so was, “Help people with my writing.”

As of today, I’ve not only crossed that off the list–but I’m helping Joel (the founder of ImpossibleHQ and writer of the Blog of Impossible Things) with a new challenge for the Impossible League. –I will be helping Joel behind the scenes (writing, aggregating data, tracking challenges…) in the Blog Of Impossible Things league while we help raise $25,000 by the end of 2012 for Pencils Of Promise to build a school in Guatemala. Am I excited? Well, I think you can answer that for yourselves. I’m gonna sit here and think about how lucky I am to have this opportunity.

Never give up. Never stop dreaming. Ever.

If someone told me I would have had this opportunity a few months ago, I’d probably have laughed.

As of twenty minutes ago? It’s my reality.

I’m going to help do something impossible. Will you follow me along the way?

et cetera