all about the words

{August 9, 2012}   Is this really happening?

Last night I sent out an email to pretty much my dream job. A call for bloggers to blog about games. I play PC games, for those of you who don’t know. (which is all of you. Surprise!) So needless to say, I was really hoping to hear back from them. I’ve been playing MMOs for years, and PC games even longer than that. This was pretty much the job to end all jobs, in my eyes. I wanted it, bad. Eyes on the prize. I submitted my writing samples, and waited.

Imagine my surprise this morning, when I got an email from them. Not just any email, but one from their Network Director for the PC gaming section.

I got the job.

I’ll be blogging for starting pretty darn soon. If you like PC games, or you just like my writing–check me out over there!

I’ve been writing for years beyond counting, and done so many unpaid gigs it’s unreal–but I stuck with it. I worked my ass off, and I never gave up. Never stop believing in yourself, ever. I’m living proof that anyone, anywhere–can accomplish their dreams.

et cetera